
Crystalline 2011
Design Consultancy for PGlassFactory

Cristalline is a collection of 12 objects of furniture and a 10 jewellery pieces in plexiglass.

The study of geometry leads to complex bodies that arise from the accumulation of two or more equal forms. Crystalline is inspired by the simmetric way of accumulating these forms, combined with the logic of aggregation of crystalline structures. A game between artifice and nature in plexiglass that makes the architectural and chromatic contrast its aesthetic and structural reason. All elements are numbered and disassembled by hands. Structures, conceived as aggregations of volumes, planes and surfaces, have microflexions in the terminal parts and assume different shades depending on the light. In the jewelry capsule collection all components are interlocked and held together by cotton thread.

Materials | Techniques: plexiglass, laser cut, cotton thread, hand sewing.
Credit photo: SouzikyRedroom. 

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bracciali disco
bracciali 4 circles
rings double strip
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anelli 2 dita low
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